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Historic Event

Atlanta Washerwomen Strike

  • Activism
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Labor
  • Organizations
  • Women's Voices
  • Civil War & Reconstruction, 1860-1890
A photograph of an African American woman washing laundry outdoors in a yard. Clothes hand behind her on a line.
We the members of our society, are determined to stand to our pledge and make extra charges for washing... and are willing to pay $25 or $50 for licenses as a protection, so we can control the washing for the city.
Black and white photograph of Etta Moten Barnett and another woman examining a large map of Africa hanging on the wall. Wearing a long sleeved white blouse with a brooch at the neckline and a grey straight skirt, Etta Moten Barnett stands to the side of the map and points to the country of Liberia with her right arm outstretched. The woman standing next to her wears a light grey dress with double breasted black button up the front and a black belt.

Etta Moten Barnett

  • Activism
Photograph of Louis Manigault, Jr. in a field
Present to Past

Land as Legacy

  • Labor
Portrait of Bridget "Biddy" Mason

Bridget “Biddy” Mason

  • Labor