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Historic Event

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka




    Civil Rights & Black Power, 1945-1975

Black and white photgraph of 6 Black children standing in a line with hands by theri side.  There are 2 boys and 4 girls pictured.  The children are dressed up for school and look directly at the camera
No State shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Excerpt from the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, 1868

Opening page of video "GOING TO SCHOOL TOGETHER, OUR TIMES NO. 2

The United States Information Agency produced this newsclip the year the Supreme Court issued its Brown ruling. It was produced, in part, to promote American equality to foreign audiences.

Mrs. Nettie Hunt, sitting on steps of Supreme Court, holding newspaper, explaining to her daughter Nikie the meaning of the Supreme Court's decision banning school segregation
Present to Past

Education for All


People waiting in line to vote
Present to Past

Legislating Rights


Black and White Photograph of standing students

Vivian Carter Mason
