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Confederate Symbols and White Supremacy

The honoring of men who represented that cause . . . will ultimately result in handing down to generations unborn a legacy of treason and blood.
Activist Bree Newsome climbed up the flag pole to take down the Confederate Flag at South Carolina Statehouse
I could just feel like at that moment I really did symbolize the struggle. Like it wasn’t just Bree Newsome scaling the flagpole. This was like the struggle of all these generations of Black people to dismantle white supremacy.
Removal of the Confederate flag is not going to solve most of the severe tangible challenges facing our nation, including discrimination in our criminal justice system, economic system, employment, education, housing, health care, or other barriers to full and equal protection under the law and full first-class citizenship, but it does represent an end to a symbol of the state sponsored reverence of, and adherence to, the values that support slavery, domestic terrorism, and the hatred which has divided our country for too long.