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Chapter 04

Free Communities of Color

Historic Map of Liberia

Debating Colonization

Self-reliance is the fine road to independence.
We have carefully examined the different plans . . . and none, we believe, can reach half so efficiently the masses as the plan on colonization on the West Coast of Africa.
We are NATIVES of this country. . . . Not a few of our fathers suffered and bled to purchase its independence. . . . We ask only to share equal privileges.
I believe that every colored man . . . ought to go [to Africa] immediately. . . . We ought to go anywhere where we can better our condition.
Unconquerable prejudice resulting from their color, they never could amalgamate with the free whites of this country. It was desirable, therefore . . . to drain them off.
Let us all unite, and . . . declare that we will not leave our own country . . . this is our . . . country; . . . our forefathers have planted trees in America for us and we intend to stay and eat the fruit.