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Edmonia Highgate

  • Activism
  • Education
  • Women's Voices
  • Slavery & Abolition, 1800-1860
Photograph of African American children dressed in school uniforms and seated outside in three rows of benches.

Featured Document

Handwritten letter on off white paper.
Twice I have been shot at in my room. . . But I trust fearlessly in God and am safe.
Screenshot from a news video showing an African American woman wearing glasses (Dr. Iris, the director of the Hosanna School Museum) seated at a wooden classroom desk.
A black and white photograph of Esau Jenkins, Alfred Fields, and Rev. Willis Goodwin, holding each other outside of A Citizens Committee vban.
Community Story

The Progressive Club of Johns Island

  • Education
Mrs. Nettie Hunt, sitting on steps of Supreme Court, holding newspaper, explaining to her daughter Nikie the meaning of the Supreme Court's decision banning school segregation
Present to Past

Education for All

  • Activism
People waiting in line to vote
Present to Past

Legislating Rights

  • Education