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Marème Diarra

  • Africa & the Diaspora
  • Immigration & Migration
  • Slavery
  • Women's Voices
  • Segregation & Community Building, 1890-1945
A brightly colored mural wall with a few faces, including Marème Diarra. A quote is to left of Marème Diarra.
That's Marème Ndiaye, who represents for us a figure of defiance who doesn't accept in any way to be dominated despite her generosity.
Black and white print showing a plantation house


  • Africa & the Diaspora
A black and white illustration of the port of Liverpool on a cloudy day. Several sail and row boats in the water.

William P. Powell Sr

  • Immigration & Migration
Portrait of Bridget "Biddy" Mason

Bridget “Biddy” Mason

  • Women's Voices